Hermes Accounts Payable Solution is on a mission to help you run an efficient AP process to manage your cash flows better, allowing you to focus on your core competencies down the line. Streamline your financial workflow today and synchronize your accounts payables with your accounting system using Hermes.
Here is what our clients have to say about us :

Before we implemented Calpion’ s Hermes AP Automation Solution I had to constantly field calls from vendors asking status of payments on their invoice. My AP team was regularly behind schedule and we needed to work weekends to catch-up on the entry of invoices. Our accountants found many errors in the invoice key in process and it was a nightmare to track all the 1000s of invoices we received every week. Calpion’ s Hermes AP solution gave me the ability to move into a completely automated and hands off model where the Hermes bot was able to extract data for a vast majority of invoices, validate it with all of our business rules and upload it into our ERP in the format we had specified.